👂🏻Ever wonder why we have two ears and one mouth?👂🏻 It goes beyond just a quirky arrangement; there’s a meaningful lesson behind it…
Growing up, my dad used to impart his wisdom, saying, “God gave you two ears and one mouth for you to listen twice as much as you speak.”
Back then, he would usually share this insight whenever I was being defiant, giving endless attitude towards my mom, or making questionable decisions—the list goes on. Little did I know how profound this lesson would become in my adult life, especially in my career.
A significant portion of my day is devoted to listening—listening to my clients, understanding their talent needs, and untangling the hiring challenges they’ve encountered. I attentively listen to candidates as they narrate their experiences, aspirations, and career dreams. Often, the ability to read between the lines and truly grasp what’s being communicated proves more valuable than a set of well-crafted interview questions or sales pitches.
But it’s not just confined to work; this philosophy resonates in all aspects of life. Sometimes, when a stranger starts pouring their heart out to you in line at the coffee shop, they simply need someone to lend an ear and truly hear them. Embracing this role of a compassionate listener should be seen as a compliment—it means they perceive you as a beacon of light and a safe place.
As my dad would say, using our ears more than our mouths can lead us to fewer predicaments and more impactful interactions. Food for thought, thanks Dad.